In Kooperation mit der University of Southampton führt NARRATA Consult ab November ein Storytelling-Projekt durch, bei dem verschiedene Projektgeschichten über das interdisziplinäre ASSETS-Projekt erstellt werden.
Dafür suchen wir Unterstützung in Form eines Praktikanten / einer Praktikantin! Falls Sie sich für das Thema Storytelling im internationalen Projektumfeld interessieren, ist das die Gelegenheit für einen Einblick in die praktische Arbeit mit narrativen Methoden. Die Bewerbungsfrist ist der 18. Oktober 2016.
Evtl. eignet sich das Projekt auch als Grundlage für eine Master- oder Bachelorarbeit.
Hier ist die Ausschreibung (als PDF: asset-storytelling-vacancy):
The ASSETS project (Attaining Sustainable Services from Ecosystems through Trade-off Scenarios) is an interdisciplinary 4-year initiative started in 2012 and funded by the UK’s Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Programme (ESPA). The project partners in the UK, Malawi, Colombia and Peru undertook research on ecosystem services for poverty alleviation at the forest-agricultural interface.
To inform policy and decision makers as well future donors but also NGOs and the wider public about its findings the projects needs to go beyond the traditional channels of academic publication and communication. That’s why a storytelling project is carried out, which is designed to exhibit the most important results and essential experiences in an authentic but also emotional and exciting way.
The storytelling project is part of the ASSETS project and is conducted as cooperation between the University of Southampton and NARRATA Consult.
Find more information:
@espaassets | facebook/espaassets
The internship period is foreseen from 01/11/2016 until 05/03/2017. The 5th of March 2017 is the fixed deadline for the delivery of the stories. It cannot be extended due to ASSETS project time constraints.
The salary is 2.500 Euro and will be paid at the end of the internship as a performance fee.
The student / trainee will receive a certificate from the University of Southampton and NARRATA Consult after successful completion of the project
Please apply via e-mail until 18/10/2016 (in English) to:
Karin Thier, NARRATA Consult
+49-173-66 050 99