After the book “Storytelling – Eine Methode für das Change-, Marken-, Projekt- und Wissensmanagement” was published in the 3rd German edition the time has come to introduce our narrative approach and our storytelling method to a wider audience, and I am very happy that the book is also available in English (
The book highlights storytelling as a concrete and viable method which can be used in various operational fields of organizations: from change management to project and knowledge management, it presents, in an easy-to-comprehend and entertaining fashion, employees’ stories on past projects and the diverse, essential aspects of corporate culture they reveal. These stories focus on specific but generic experiences which can be adapted and exploited by the reader to ultimately tap into hidden knowledge and increase transparency during daily routines in his or her own organization. Knowledge managers, coaches, and strategists alike will find a ‚real-life‘ connection through these stories, helping them improve their own storytelling methods. The book also provides exhaustive information on the latest developments in storytelling and its strategies.
In addition to using the storytelling method for business purposes, many students and academic members told us how they use this storytelling-method, including the learning history approach, in their research projects.
In this new, first English edition you therefore will find an interview with Prof. Dr. Rik Peters who works at the Department of History at the University in Groningen. Under his supervision more than 50 Learning Histories were written. He provides valuable first-hand experience on how to use Learning Histories in an academic surrounding.
If you have time, the desire, and interest, you may want to attend a workshop about Learning Histories Rik and I are organizing at the Beyond Storytelling Conference on Narrative Work and Storytelling in Organizations in Hamburg, June 8 & 9 2018.). This workshop focuses on a multi-perspective view of how past events help to re-author the future (here you will find more information).
I wish you all a sunny May!
Karin Thier